Motorbikes can take most types of bad weather, but to really protect them, using good quality motorbike covers is the best option, especially if you need to house them outside.
The cooler months can be hard on a motorbike, placing extra strains on its fluids, components and parts. The best way to combat this is by using high quality oils, fuels, other liquids and investing in a high quality motorbike covers.
or Coolant
Although down on the Coast it doesn’t
usually get to freezing point, in the hills above the Hinterland it sometimes
reaches minus 5C on a frosty morning, so it’s best to be prepared. Check the
coolant regularly and replace it every two years or if you prefer get a tester
to check its protection levels.
Always use a quality coolant/antifreeze, if you choose a concentrate dilute it with distilled water or pick a readymade solution.
It’s important to use a grade of oil
recommended by your motorbike manufacturer and pick one suitable for cold
conditions. Some oils will become thick when cold and won’t do their job when
you first start up or maintain their viscosity.
If you do a high mileage, just before the cold months is the best time to flush the system, change your filter and refill with premium lubricant.
and Electrical
Cold weather can affect the rate your batty charges and bring out faults in your wiring system, particularly if they have been wet for a while. A flat battery is the most common cause of motorbike breakdowns, so check the state of your battery and charge it with a trickle charger to keep it topped up.
Moving Parts
Cold wet weather along with road grime,
hail and salt, if not regularly cleaned of can adversely affect all the moving
parts of your motor bike. A regular cleaning and lubricating program as well as
keeping it safe under quality motorbike covers will help maintain its
appearance and roadworthiness.
Wash and dry your bike and use a suitable lubricant on all moving parts before placing it under your motorbike covers
If you’re not using all-weather tyres you
will need to change to winter tyres before it gets cold and the rains appear as
you need plenty of gripping power in wet conditions.
To reduce the risk of aquaplaning in the wet, ensure your tyres are fully inflated to the manufactures recommendations when hot from riding. This will also reduce the chances of getting a puncture.
Choosing the right motorbike covers to protect your bike is critical in the cooler months if your motorbike is exposed to the weather. But even if undercover, high quality breathable motorbike covers are good investments. They will keep the dust and pollutants in the air off your bike and stop pests from using it as a nesting site.
Like all forms of transportation motorbike
represent a significant investment. One of the best ways to protect them from
the elements and threats such as theft and vandalism is to invest in suitable
high quality motorbike covers.