Thursday, March 17, 2022


If you get caravan covers from cheap places that sell low-quality caravan covers, you are bound to end up with hard plastic and low-quality ones. The plastic caravan covers lead to the water being gathered on top of the vehicle, which looks like it is sweating and isn't a good sight. Except for the sight, it is bad for the vehicle's roof.

It is highly recommended that you invest in caravan covers that are good in quality and appearance, but most importantly, they should be breathable. Without being breathable, there is a good chance that they will cause dampness, or the things in your vehicle might absorb all the moisture, leading to mould or corrosion. Hence, it is not okay to use caravan covers that aren't breathable.

Reasons for investing in good and quality caravan covers

If your vehicle is exposed to rain, dust, sun rays or storms, your caravan cover will help. Most of the sun rays and dust act directly on the body paint and damages the lights and the rubber of the windows. This calls for the use of caravan covers. Moreover, stickers on the vehicles might also start fading away. It is better to invest in caravan covers than fixing the window rubbers' body paints and getting a new sticker again and again.

What caravan covers to buy?

If you finally decide to invest in a good quality caravan cover, make sure you go through all the important features that a good caravan cover should have. Breathability is one of the main features.

1.     Size

Make sure you buy caravan covers according to the size of your vehicle. You would have to measure the length of your vehicle to make sure, including any other elements and the gas tank as well, as that is supposed to be covered along with the vehicle to ensure maximum safety. Make sure the size isn't too loose, as the caravan cover might not remain on the vehicle in case there is a storm, and the same goes for a small caravan cover. Hence, size matters.

2.     Make sure the caravan covers are UV resistant and impervious

The caravan covers need to be UV resistant. This is because direct water and sunlight to the vehicle might cause deterioration of the vehicle's materials, especially if it spends its entire time outdoors. Even in winters, caravan covers are supposed to cover the vehicle from the snow or rain, which might cause damage to the paint or roof of the car.

3.     Breathability

Lastly, the most important feature is breathability. Caravan covers are supposed to be breathable enough so that the moisture does not absorb into any equipment within the vehicle. There aren't any unforeseen damages to the vehicle, e.g. oxidation of the exterior coating along with window rubbers. 


Cover 4 U has a wide range of caravan covers, and all of them are of great quality and affordable enough. Once you use caravan covers from here, you can rest assured that your vehicle is safe.


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